Friday, February 26, 2016

Knee Pain

Ever since last Saturday, my left knee has been painful, swollen, and I have not been running.  I think it is an arthritis flare-up, and I've been icing and foam-rolling it.  It is starting to get better, and I hope to be able to run on Sunday with Ann. 

On, the website that tracks runs and compiles statistics, I only need one more run this month to get my  "in it for February" badge, and I want to at least get that!

Mocha's eye is better - it only took 3 applications of the drops for it to clear up.  She & I were happy about that!

She got to see her friend Larry yesterday, and he gave her lots of rib rubs and affection.  His dog Cooper wasn't out, so Mocha was happy about that - sometimes she has to let Cooper know that Larry is paying attention to HER, and Cooper should not get in the way!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Another Eye Ulcer?

I noticed last evening that Mocha's right eye seemed irritated - it looks like she scratched it, just like she did to her left eye a few weeks ago.  I still have the eye drops and pain pills that the vet gave her last time, so I started Mocha on those.

I think she needs to be more careful when we go to the trail - she gets tracking on a scent, and walks through sticker bushes before I can stop her - and she probably forgets to close her eyes!

If it's not better by Monday, I will call the vet.  Hope my girl is okay soon!

Running has been possible - just very cold, until today.  It was warmer, and Ann & I finally got to run together again.  On weekdays, she has to run very early due to her work schedule, and since it's  been so icy/cold, she's been using her treadmill.  But today, it was nice, not icy, in the 40s.  We had a good run.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Stuff for Mocha

A couple times when we've been out for an evening, we've noticed when we got home that Mocha may have been taking shelter under a round skirted table.  We keep a pillow under there, and the evidence we're going by is that the pillow is out from under the table when we get home.  Not chewed, just out of the way, possibly so a medium-sized dog could fit under the table.

Dave suggested that maybe she wants a crate again, so she'll have a safe place to go.  I agreed, and replaced the round table with a covered crate. 

What a cozy looking place!  But so far, not used by Mocha.  We're going out again soon, so we'll see if we can tell that she used it.  Maybe check for dog fur, because even if she goes in there while we're out, she will meet us at the door.

Another new item for Mocha - her aunt Kathleene sent her a sweater.  She tried it on, and it fits and she likes it.

A for Awesome, that's my Mocha!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

More Snow

I just realized I haven't posted anything for February yet!  Up until yesterday, we were in the melting stage from the big snow we had the weekend of January 23/24.  Mocha & I went to the trail for a walk yesterday, and it was mostly clear.

Most of the snow was gone!

Today is a different story - more snow is coming down and 4-6 inches is predicted (I think - that could have changed by now).  The birds out back are trying to get to the feeders - at times, it is a mob scene.  The redwing blackbirds are there, and a also saw a pileated woodpecker for the first time this year.   This pictures just shows the birds in the trees...

As far as running goes, I have been able to run outside, just not at the trail.  The trail that I usually run on still has quite a bit of snow on it.  I prefer to run on the neighborhood roads which are now clear.  Let's hope that today's snow doesn't stick to the streets.