Mocha started seeming a little sore yesterday (in her joints), and by this morning, she was even worse. She had trouble going up the 2 steps from the garage into the house after her walk (short one), and she was obviously in pain. I called the vet to see if I could give her aspirin - I forgot how much. The vet said up to 2 baby aspirins 2 times a day. But I was on my way to the trail to run, and I didn't give her anything right then.

When I got back from running, Ann came in with me, and Mocha was on her bed in the family room. She wagged her little stubber tail vigorously, but didn't get up. Ann & I went over to her and gave her lots of belly rubs and attention. When she did get up, she seemed to feel a lot better! I am so glad. I will wait to give her any meds until she seems sore again.
She wanted to go out in the yard, and even had enough energy to pull me. That's definitely a sign of a dog that's feeling better!
On the run today, it was a little more humid than it had been this
past week, and I was noticeably slower (3 walk breaks). But it was good
to get out to the trail again instead of running in the neighborhood.
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