What a humid run this morning! Now that it is dark when I begin my run at 6:00 a.m., I wear a reflective vest. Today was such a sweaty run that the vest was completely wet when I got home, even though I had a top on under it (of course). I ran the whole way with no walk breaks, so that was good. Ann (my main running partner) and I were kind of quiet today - sometimes it's hard to have a good conversation when you're concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other on hills!
Then home to Mocha, and a good walk. Saw a dog from down the street who had a big bumper collar on recently (post-surgery maybe). The dog no longer has that puffy collar on, so hope all is well. Mocha is getting calmer about seeing other dogs, but right now she is making little growly noises at the top of the stairs - maybe she hears her nemesis outside.
Best part about all this - I was very hungry when I got home from the run and then the walk, and I had my usual delicious breakfast of Cinnamon Kashi cereal with walnuts and a peach on it. The peaches have been so good this summer! And a good cup of coffee as well, that I'm still enjoying.
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