Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Slow Motion Run

Today at 6:00 a.m. (my normal weekday running time), the air was loaded with moisture - it felt like a steam bath outside when I opened the door.  I started out slow, and got slower.   I felt like I was running in slow motion.  This is the time of year when I always welcome the cooler fall temps - I think tomorrow the heat wave is supposed to break. 

Mocha was a late riser this morning!  Usually when I come back from running, she is on one of her downstairs beds (yes, she has 2), and she has usually eaten her breakfast.  Today, though, there was a note on the counter from Dave that Mocha had stayed in bed!  I went upstairs to change my shirt, and she was awake, but not up yet.

We went for our walk - no excitement today.  I had seen Pookie (who gets agitated by Mocha) on my run, so I was pretty sure we wouldn't see her.  And no one else was out and about.  Mocha ate her breakfast when we got home and is now making little growly noises at the top of the steps.

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