Monday, July 10, 2017

Swimmer Girl

Mocha has been having trouble walking long distances.  She has some arthritis, and it seems like her back legs are weak.  We are fortunate to have a canine swim center nearby, and we took Mocha there the past 2 Sundays. 

The first time was a little rough - they call it the "ugly" session, since I guess most dogs resist the pool swim at first.  They put a flotation vest on the dogs, and lead them around the edge of the pool.  The first time, Mocha did 4 laps, alternating direction.  She kept trying to get out, but by the 4th lap she was pretty good - only tried to get out once.

Here's Mocha on her first visit in her swim vest
First swim around

Yesterday was her 2nd session, and she did much better!  She seemed like she was trying to take a short-cut a couple times, but she hardly tried to get out at all.  Her 3rd lap was a "double", where she did 2 laps at once before a rest.

There she is, trying a short-cut

Almost to the ramp

Walking up the ramp

All done and ready to get dry

We're happy with the progress she's made in just 2 sessions!  Back again next week for more fun in the pool.