That Mocha! Yesterday, she didn't feel very well, especially in the morning. It was pretty clear that her hind legs were sore - she climbed stairs very slowly. She stayed in bed (after her very short morning walk) until about 1:00 p.m. Then she seemed to feel better, and we took a slightly longer walk. She looked in storm drains for cats, so she must have been feeling somewhat normal.
Now for the strange part - at bedtime, she wouldn't get in her bed. She sometimes starts out on the carpet near my side of the bed, but she's always gotten into her bed eventually. But last night, she slept on the carpet. At one point during the night, I brought in a little bed that she has, and at about 3:30 a.m. she got in that one.
Here she is on the little bed |
Then after the morning walk today (which was almost a normal length walk), she came upstairs and got on the little bed again. I had taken the top blanket off of her big bed and washed it. I thought maybe it smelled bad from the day she didn't feel well. But still, she's in the little bed.
Then when I got home around noon, Mocha was in her normal (big) bed! I don't know what the problem was last night. I will put her clean top blanket back on soon and she if she likes it.
Back in her bed |
Obviously, she's a dog with very particular taste in beds!