Wow, it's been almost a month since I've written. Since I'm no longer a runner, there isn't as much to write about. Power walking is great - I'm starting to look forward to my walks, just like I used to look forward to running. I keep track of animals that I see on my walks - something to keep my mind busy.
Mocha has been healthy. This morning we had a challenging walk though - lots of dogs out so early!
First, we saw Max, the Schnauzer. She always reacts to him a bit, but I had my distraction treat ready, and kept her mostly focused on me.
Then we saw Pookie on the other side of the street, just as Ann was running towards us. Mocha loves Ann, and was getting a butt scratch. However, that pesky Pookie was still on the other side of the street, so Mocha was looking over that way. She escalated a little, and I corrected her. Ann was still with us, and we talked a while before she continued on her run.
Next up - Max again (we were heading in opposite directions, so we passed him again). This time, I was able to distract Mocha early, and she went on her way with no growling.
Almost home, and here is Bella off leash, and Pookie coming up the street again. I managed to distract her from Pookie this time, and Bella just ignored Mocha, so we were good!
Whew! And I forgot to mention, it's SUNNY today! Yay, sun!